University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Poster Gallery
Creation Date
Spring 2018
Recreation and Park Administration
Recreation and Park Administration
Jon McChesney
Mentor Department
Recreation and Park Administration
After graduating college, many students start making a new journey in their career. One of the most important skills a graduate needs to know is social intelligence; it has been considered the sine qua non of leadership. Social intelligence has been linked to increased success in the workplace as well as leadership effectiveness. Social intelligence is the ability to understand and manage others effectively and to act wisely in human relations. It involves self and social-awareness, and it defines who we are as humans. While test scores can predict academic success, self-management and relationship skills may better prepare students for the real world and career success. Knowledge is not enough to prepare students for life and jobs after college. To be successful, especially if one wants to be in a leadership position, one must know and demonstrate social intelligence. Soft skills like flexibility, cooperation and empathy have become increasingly vital in the workplace (Miller, 2015). This study examined social intelligence constructs and the need for such skill in recreation services. The methodology included a literature review and a qualitative component of interviews with recreation and human resource managers.