University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Spring 2017
Athletic Training
Exercise and Sport Science
Michael T. Lane
Mentor Department
Exercise and Sport Science
Athletic Training Students are taught about the benefits of physical activity and how to create specific exercise programs to maintain overall wellness. Although athletic training students have knowledge about the positive effects of physical activity, they continually score lower on activity level scales when compared with the average college student. A rigorous course schedule and long clinical hours seem to be a common factor that play into the poor health habits of the athletic training student. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the variables that negatively affect the exercise habits of undergraduate athletic training students.
Students from the College of Health Sciences will be tested in this study. The Baecke Questionnaire will be used to assess factors that affect student’s wellness habits. Bod Pod measurements will be used to assess body composition. Vertical jump performance and hand grip dynamometer performance will be recorded also. Data will be analyzed utilizing ANOVAs for significant differences between each of the groups.