University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Spring 2017
Pre-Nursing/Honors Program
Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing
Michael J. Bradley
Mentor Department
Recreation and Park Administration
Eastern Kentucky University is home to about 14,000 college students from diverse backgrounds. Studies have shown that student attachment to universities improves retention rates, grades, and alumni contribution. However, Eastern Kentucky University students do not view EKU as a central component of their life due to the lack of well–known reputation of Eastern Kentucky University, where they lived before attending the university, and their involvement of activities outside of their college career. After surveying undergraduate students that attend Eastern Kentucky University on their attachment to the university, results show most students view Eastern Kentucky University as an important part of their life, but not the most central component of their life. Studies also show in order to improve university identity, programs should be implemented to involve new students on campus. These programs would enable new students to become better involved in the university and could improve student identification at Eastern Kentucky University. To advance this pilot study, it would be interesting to survey students of higher academic status, considering they are usually involved in activities at Eastern Kentucky University and would possibly identify strongly as student at Eastern Kentucky University.