University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Spring 4-12-2017
Recreation and Park Administration
Recreation and Park Administration
Jon McChesney
Mentor Department
Recreation and Park Administration
EKU Dr. James McChesney Memorial Golf Classic: A service learning experience
The James McChesney Memorial Golf Classic has been annually delivered since 2001, and serves as a scholarship fundraiser, a service-learning opportunity for students, a means of connecting alumni, as well as an event to honor and remember Dr. James McChesney, a Korean War veteran and the founding RPA department chair. This service-learning experience helps students develop critical thinking and special-event programming skills. This event has been very successful, best summarized by the following statements from EKU students:
The Golf Classic was definitely a highlight of my college career. I enrolled in the class to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of event planning and left with a life changing experience. I established relationships with classmates and Dr. J that continue to be a blessing. Cody Coleman, 2014 & 2015
I loved how our class came together, like a family, and worked so hard. I appreciate this opportunity and look forward to volunteering next year! Geena Neustat, 2014
This has been my favorite event since I have been a student at EKU. The day of the event is so exciting, and the main reason why I volunteered to work it for another year. Haley Redmond, 2012 & 2013