University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Occupational Science
Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Geela Spira
Mentor Department
Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is a health-based profession that uses physical, and social-emotional considerations to provide quality of life and health and well-being to individuals. Using skills to enhance everyday living needs makes the occupational therapy profession unique in the health care team. Through the use of multifaceted sources of evidence, occupational therapists (OTs) describe, evaluate, and communicate the value and meaning of an occupation/ activity. One method to approach the impact of what one engages in is to classify the various domains encompassed in one’s occupations.
Using a constructed framework that is familiar to the OT profession, this poster aims to evaluate and assess the multiple aspects within a specific occupation, including those areas which may not be readily evident. We thought it might be illuminating and fun to apply these principles and evaluatory framework to the job of a Legislator! This poster considers eight domains embedded in the activities central to the performance of a Legislator, as a case study that may also be transposed to many other occupations.