"The Effects of High Participation in School-Based Instrumental Music C" by Samuel H. Dutton

University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Poster Gallery



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Creation Date

Fall 8-29-2022


Model Laboratory School Senior




Jilliane McCardle

Mentor Department



In the present body of literature, there are many studies that indicate that participation in school-based instrumental music classes has a positive association with academic achievement. However, there is an apparent gap in the literature involving STEM achievement. Most studies seem to examine overall cognitive function and academic achievement but there is not much focus on science and mathematics subjects with their respective cognitive functions. This study examines the Fayette and Jefferson County high schools to determine whether high participation in school-based instrumental music classes has a positive association with STEM achievement through comparative analysis. Chi-square tests for independence were used to determine if high participation in instrumental music classes and STEM achievement were related based on KSA science and math section scores. The results were insignificant. This study is still ongoing so there are still other findings to be discussed later in time.
