"Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Futher Reflections" by Eric Metaxas


Eric Metaxas

Publication Date



I first heard the name Dietrich Bonhoeffer during the summer that I turned 25. I had just returned to faith in a serious and moving way and one day the man who led me along that journey gave me a copy of Bonhoeffer’s classic book, The Cost of Discipleship. He asked if I’d ever heard of Bonhoeffer. I told him that I hadn’t, and he told me that Bonhoeffer was a German pastor and theologian who because of his faith had stood up for the Jews and had gotten involved in the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He said that Bonhoeffer was killed in a Concentration Camp just three weeks before the end of the war. Was there really a Christian whose faith had led him to heroically stand up against the Nazis at the cost of his own life? It seemed that the only stories I had heard of people taking their faith seriously were negative ones. This was something new to me, and I instantly wanted to know more about this courageous hero.
