"Q & A with Donna Freitas, Author of Sex and the Soul" by Donna Freitas and Lisa Day

Publication Date



As part of your methodology for your research and your writing of Sex and the Soul, how did you choose the participating universities? Did you consider any Bible Belt schools? Do you think Southern schools might align more closely with purity culture at religious schools? Have you visited any schools that presented different results from the predominant paradigm?

For this study, I chose the participating colleges and universities based on a number of factors: religious affiliation or non religious affiliation (Catholic, evangelical, private-secular and public), size, geographic location and whether the school was primarily a campus where students lived (as opposed to commuting). Another consideration was simply the amount of campus interest there was to participate in the project. If my contact at a school was strong and the school wanted to be a part of the study, this was helpful of course. Also, at all the schools the study itself has to pass through an internal review board. What I found was that religious affiliation at Catholic schools matters very little as far as hookup culture goes—Catholic schools may as well be private-secular or public when it comes to attitudes about both sex and faith.
