2019 Undergraduate Research Award Submissions

Congratulations to the 2019 Library Research Award for Undergraduates winners: H. Michael Shultz, Hannah Batsche and Megan Hurley!

  • 1st Place winner: H. Michael Shultz, for his submission regarding his research process for his project "The Lost Cause: The State of Franklin and the Constitution."
  • 2nd Place winner: Hannah Batsche, for her submission regarding her research process for her project "The Effects of the Relationship Between Racism and the Environment on Personal Health."
  • 3rd Place winner: Megan Hurley, for her submission regarding the research process for her project "The Impact of Story Emotion and Personal History on Empathy."

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Advertising in a World Full of Human Trafficking: How Advertising and Human Trafficking Coincide

April M. Cherry, Eastern Kentucky University

Ripple Effect: An Examination of Surfing as a Force for Positive, Lasting Personal and Societal Change

Sam A. Hayworth, samuel_hayworth@mymail.eku.edu

The Appalachian Dilemma: An Ethical Debate on Genetic Therapy and Genetic Enhancement

Haley M. Sizemore, Eastern Kentucky University

The Effects of the Relationship Between Racism and the Environment on Personal Health

Hannah M. Batsche, Eastern Kentucky University

The Impact of Story Emotion and Personal History on Empathy

Megan N. Hurley, Eastern Kentucky University

"The Lost Cause: The State of Franklin and the Constitution"

H. Michael Shultz, Eastern Kentucky University

Undergraduate Research Contest: Fictional Reactions to Disaster

Darian Bianco, Eastern Kentucky University