Author Guidelines | Veterans Studies Undergraduate Capstones – Encompass Digital Archive – Eastern Kentucky University | Psychology | Eastern Kentucky University

Submission Guidelines for Veterans Studies Undergraduate Capstones

Create an Account

You must create an account on Encompass before you can submit your capstone.

When you click on the submit link, you will be prompted to login. Click the “Sign Up” button under “Create new account.” Required fields include your email, name, and password.

Encompass will send you an email prompting you to confirm your account. This process tends to be quick.

If you don’t see this email in your inbox, double check your spam/quarantine folder. If you still can’t find your email, contact Laura Edwards, Encompass Digital Archive administrator (

Submission Agreement

When you’ve successfully logged in, Encompass will automatically route you to the submission agreement for this collection. You must consent to this agreement before you can submit your capstone. Note that you retain copyright to your capstone project. For questions about what copyright means for you, contact Linda Sizemore, Scholarly Communications and Copyright Librarian (

Here is the text of the submission agreement:

By checking the box below, I hereby certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained written permission statements from the owners of each third party copyrighted matter (images, sound files, etc.) to be included in my thesis, allowing distribution as specified on the next page. I certify that the version I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisor.

I hereby grant to Eastern Kentucky University and its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible my veterans studies capstone and/or recorded presentation in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the capstone and/or recorded presentation. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this capstone.

Completing the Submission Form

Here are the fields you will fill out. Some fields have notes to provide context:

  • Author
  • Capstone Title
  • Abstract
    • Enter the description of your capstone project here.
  • Semester/Year of Publication
    • Enter the semester and year that you will complete your Veterans capstone.
    • Ex: Fall 2021
  • Mentor
    • Enter the full name of your capstone advisor.
    • Example: Jonathan S. Gore
  • Mentor Department Affiliation
    • Enter the department that your advisor is affiliated with.
    • Example: Psychology
  • Access Options
    • This defaults to Open Access Thesis – leave as is.
  • Department
    • Enter the department managing the program you are studying in.
    • Example: Business
  • Keywords
  • Subject Categories
  • Upload Full Text
    • If you have multiple files to upload, upload your main document/paper here.
    • Other files can be uploaded via the “Additional Files” option that you can check at the bottom of the submission form.
  • Streaming Media
    • If you created a video as part of your capstone, you can provide a link to it here.
    • NOTE: please also upload your video file via the “Additional Files” option
  • Additional Files
    • Check this box if you have more files to upload (such as video files, audio files, images, etc.)
    • The system will take you to the “Upload Supplemental Content” screen where you can upload your files after you’ve clicked the “Submit” button. More information on this is noted below.
  • Click the “Submit” button
    • If your upload is successful, you will get a green highlighted message “You have successfully uploaded…,” and an automated confirmation email via email.
    • If you’ve overlooked a required field, the system will not allow you to submit until you’ve completed that field.

Upload Supplemental Content screen

  1. If you checked “Additional Files” on the main submission form, this screen will appear once you’ve clicked the “Submit” button.
  2. Upload a file by clicking the “Browse” button next to “Upload a new file” and navigating to the file you want to upload.
  3. Once uploaded, the file will appear in the box in the middle of the screen.
  4. Try to enter a description of the file so the Encompass administrator knows the nature of the file. Ex: “Business Plan Infographic”
  5. Repeat the process for each additional file you have.
  6. When all of your additional files have been uploaded, click the “Save” button in the lower right-hand corner of the box.
  7. Then, click “Continue”
  8. As mentioned above under the “Submit” button step, once your submission is successfully uploaded, you will get a green highlighted message “You have successfully uploaded…,” and an automated confirmation via email.