Dennis Cokely Parallel Corpus: Data and Materials

Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy: Two ASL translations by Patrick Graybill, et al. [HD Video]





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Two American Sign Language translation versions of the English "Pledge of Allegiance" text by Francis Bellamy. The translations were prepared by MJ Bienvenu, Patrick Graybill, Dennis Cokely and performed by Patrick Graybill. This is part of the Cokely Parallel Corpus collection. Additional materials are provided here for corpus-based research.

English Source Text

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Publication Date



American Sign Language, translation, parallel corpus, American political speeches


Language Interpretation and Translation | Linguistics


To fully use the Cokely Parallel Corpus (CPC) data provided here, you will need to download and install the latest version of ELAN (this software application is free). You will also need to have access to spreadsheet or database software such as Microsoft Excel, or Google Sheets. The above download links include:

  • Two versions of the .mp4 video file for download, one Standard Definition, the other High Definition. These video files need to be downloaded in a local directory and be associated as a linked media file with the respective .eaf files from within ELAN
  • An ELAN .eaf file that contains primarily the ASL ID-Gloss annotations within marked utterance boundaries. Note, the English source text is only loosely annotated for general reference on a symbolic tier in ELAN since the video itself is in ASL only. The tight alignment between the English source text and ASL translation units is in the respective .xlsx spreadsheet file
  • A Microsoft Excel .xlsx file that contains four sheets:
    • English source text divided into numbered sentences and idea units
    • ASL translation transcription divided into numbered utterances and idea units
    • An alignment between the source text and translation idea units represented by adjacent rows
    • Identification, coding, and analysis of metaphors in the English source text and ASL translation and how these were handled by the translators (see the Research Guide and Roush, 2018)
  • A .docx file that contains the English text excerpt with numbered sentences
  • A .pdf file of relevant pages from the American Freedom Speeches Instructor’s Guide that contains the full English text with the translated excerpts highlighted with a gray background. It also contains pages that provide historical and biographical background to the English text

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Recommended Citation

Sign Media, Inc. (1994). American freedom speeches (2012 DVD) [Videos containing political speeches and documents translated into American Sign Language].

Roush, D., & Schilling, A. (2021). The Dennis Cokely American freedom speeches parallel corpus (1.0) [Dataset]. Eastern Kentucky University Libraries.

Contact Information

Daniel Roush or
Amy Schilling

Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy: Two ASL translations by Patrick Graybill, et al. [HD Video]
