"Counting the Cost of Training Up Children within a Large Christian Fun" by Campbell R. Johnson

Counting the Cost of Training Up Children within a Large Christian Fundamentalist Family


For four episodes of the TLC reality TV show 17 Kids and Counting a behavioral coding scheme was devised and applied. Behavioral data for the four oldest Duggar children (2 male, 2 female) was collected and analyzed, in order to explore themes of Christian fundamentalist parenting within this sample. Parenting practices were postulated to have biblical roots- such as parenting goals of obedience and faith-keeping, and common parenting practices of corporal punishment, enforcement of traditional gender roles and isolation. In addition to coding child behavior during these four episodes, the current whereabouts and functioning of the four children (now adults) were noted during this case study and also used to consider the outcomes of this kind of parenting style. The hypothesis is that children growing up within this kind of subculture may experience negative later life outcomes. The findings of this study were that parenting was primarily concerned with religion and obedience to authority, and that there were gendered differences in parenting practices/opportunities for child behavior, as well as a lack of time spent with parents alone or spent doing educational endeavors. The outcomes for adult children seemed to relate to whether they remained within the parental faith. For children who did not keep their childhood faith, there were fewer negative outcomes noted. However, struggles were noted for all four children studied as they entered adulthood.

Keywords: Duggars, Christian fundamentalism, parenting practices, parenting goals, child outcomes.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2024


Myra Beth Bundy

Mentor Department Affiliation


Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level





