
This study explores how time management and the perception of control over time contribute to undergraduates success in college. Although students have good grades in college, they may not be able to achieve the desirable combination of a high GPA, extracurricular involvement and a career-related employment history. Students often become overwhelmed with the pressure to achieve this success, but lack the time management skills to balance everything. This paper explores how students best use their time in order to gain college success. Extant literature suggests that students who are more involved on-campus with academics, extracurricular activities and employment opportunities achieve greater success in college due to higher levels of perceived time management skills. Further, it suggests that college success does not rely solely on students' time management behavior, but more on their perception of control over time, regardless of the amount of involvement in both school-related and nonschool-related activities.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-13-2013


James P. Gleason

Mentor Department Affiliation


Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Clinical Therapeutic Programs

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Communication Sciences and Disorders

IRB Approval Number (if applicable)

