"Disrupting Democracy: The Impact of Natural Resources on the Developme" by Taelor G. Martin


This study seeks to examine why former Soviet states, united by common political and economic history through their time under the Soviet Union, have taken such radically different paths in development. Chiefly, why are some states in the region some of the most democratically developed in the world, but others are some of the least? Natural resource rents are introduced as a factor that can stall development by limiting the capacity for critical democratic institutions to develop. Utilizing a fixed-effects regression analysis, we find that higher resource rents as a percent of GDP have a statically significant, negative relationship with democratic development.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-9-2019


Kerem Ozan Kalkan

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Government and Economics

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level




Department Name when Degree Awarded

Government and Economics
