Encompass - University Presentation Showcase Event: Drag Forces in Dilatant Non-Newtonian Fluids

Drag Forces in Dilatant Non-Newtonian Fluids




Physics and Astronomy




Jing Wang

Mentor Department

Physics and Astronomy


The experiment's purpose is to understand drag forces in dilatant fluids by dropping three equally-sized metal balls of different mass into cornstarch/water mixture and filming their trajectory. More specifically, the experiment expands upon the work of Stefan von Kann's Dense Suspensions: Force Response and Jamming in order to determine three things: 1) whether or not drag forces in dilatant fluids are independent of a falling object's mass, 2) whether or not the drag forces on the object adhere to the relationship of D = 3(pi)(nu)(d)(v), and 3) if so, is it possible to determine a more precise (nu) value than the .87 to 3.96 Pa s provided by von Kann.

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Drag Forces in Dilatant Non-Newtonian Fluids

The experiment's purpose is to understand drag forces in dilatant fluids by dropping three equally-sized metal balls of different mass into cornstarch/water mixture and filming their trajectory. More specifically, the experiment expands upon the work of Stefan von Kann's Dense Suspensions: Force Response and Jamming in order to determine three things: 1) whether or not drag forces in dilatant fluids are independent of a falling object's mass, 2) whether or not the drag forces on the object adhere to the relationship of D = 3(pi)(nu)(d)(v), and 3) if so, is it possible to determine a more precise (nu) value than the .87 to 3.96 Pa s provided by von Kann.