"A Collaborative, Trilateral Approach to Bridging the Information Liter" by Erin Presley, Jill Parrott et al.

University Presentation Showcase: Faculty Poster Gallery



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Creation Date

Spring 2017


English and Theatre


As localized assessments confirm national findings that undergraduates struggle to integrate resources into research-based compositions effectively, data from one comprehensive public university indicate library sessions improve students’ ability to locate and evaluate information, but students continue to struggle with the “use” component of information literacy. This presentation will highlight a trilateral case study between librarians, faculty, and writing center administrators at Eastern Kentucky University, emphasizing the intersection of programmatic partnerships, assessment, and pedagogical best practices. Our research shows a trilateral approach to information literacy increases efficacy and a sense of shared responsibility in support of student research where traditional bilateral approaches fall short, and our article will appear in College & Research Libraries next year. In terms of format, we will prepare a Prezi to showcase the significant findings from our research with the campus community.

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