University Presentation Showcase: Faculty Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Spring 4-3-2017
Counseling and Educational Psychology
It is every employee’s worst nightmare to be summoned into the supervisor’s/ commanders office or the human resources office and hearing a story about how slow the economy is, how income streams are down, and how the senior management is now flying coach to save money. Regardless of the details or the varied excuses, the simple fact is that this employee no longer has a job. Devastated, this individual packs up his belongings and leaves the company headquarters. As they walk away, they begin ponder about why they lost his job, and how they will make ends meet? And, as an afterthought, they may wonder if the outplacement services offered through human resources actually provide a valuable benefit that will help gain employment in the future. This poster session will explore the phenomenon of the impact of job loss. Particularly this study will explore veterans as well as business personnel.