"Oral history Service Learning: Veterans Studies and SOSA" by Amanda S. Hansford


As professionals, it is important to promote interprofessional education and collaboration among disciplines. This project explores connections between Veterans Studies, Library Science, and Occupational Science / Therapy. An oral history protocol was developed between the student sponsored organization Student Occupational Science Association (SOSA) and the Eastern Kentucky University Veterans Studies academic program. The goal was to promote deeper learning and cultural competency about members of veteran and military communities. Participants also gain leadership and interviewing skills applicable in a variety of career settings.

The model of human occupation (MOHO) guided aspects of the project design is used to discover the connection between motivation and the occupations of those who participate. Existing curricula was adapted for use outside of a classroom setting. An organization account was developed in the Blackboard learning management system to house this content, organize teams, and collect oral history from military veterans. Each interview is then donated to the William H. Berg Oral History archive. The new resource provides a form of self-directed learning that enables interprofessional collaboration, co-curricular learning, and increased professionalism useful in the workforce.

Semester/Year of Publication

Spring 5-4-2022


Susan Skees-Hermes

Mentor Department Affiliation

Occupational Science/Occupational Therapy

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type



Health Promotion and Administration

Access Options

Open Access
