The Journal of Retracing Africa jora | Journals | Eastern Kentucky University

The Journal of Retracing Africa (JORA) is a peer-reviewed, African studies journal that welcomes submissions of original, previously unpublished manuscripts on a broad thematic and chronological range.

JORA is committed to publishing articles that provide theoretically informed analysis on the social, economic, cultural, and political transformation of African societies during the precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial periods. It aims at deconstructing misconceived, mistaken, and missing narratives on Africa and Africans, thus providing a holistic appreciation of the African experience.

The Journal of Retracing Africa (JORA) invites you to: Review Books, Review Articles, Submit Articles, To be a Guest on Specific Topics

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2016)

Editor's Preface

Complete Issue


Book Reviews