Instructions for Authors of PRISM: A Journal of Regional Engagement
Mission and Scope
The editors of PRISM invite submissions consistent with the journal’s mission to promote a culture of engagement between the university and region through the creation, application, and integration of knowledge. PRISM is multi-disciplinary and submissions are accepted across the full range of disciplinary perspectives. Similarly, PRISM invites submissions of all forms of analysis and methodologies. Manuscripts should ideally have reader interest across disciplines and/or broad appeal within a given discipline and should be accessible to readers not intimately familiar with a specific methodology.
Types of Submissions
We are not currently accepting manuscripts for future issues.
PRISM invites the following three types of manuscript submissions:
- Research: articles of a traditional academic nature that systematically and empirically, though not necessarily quantitatively, examine the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of engagement for involved actors including those in the university and regional communities. These articles should be in the 5000-7000 word range.
- Case Studies and Applied Research: articles that describe and analyze the experiences of actors participating in or actively observing regional engagement initiatives, offer practical information as well as advice for engagement efforts, and further professional knowledge through place-based research. These articles should be in the 5000-7000 word range.
- Reflection: articles that examine the development and current state of regional engagement, identify challenges, synthesize perspectives and/or offer new perspectives, and propose future directions. PRISM also encourages point-counterpoint contributions that offer reactions to previous work and published articles. These articles should typically not exceed 2500 words.
Submission and Review Process
Authors submitting manuscripts to PRISM agree not to simultaneously have those manuscripts submitted elsewhere. Manuscripts previously published, including electronically, in similar form will not be accepted. If a manuscript is accepted into the journal, the author automatically grants permission to the editors of PRISM to publish the article online. Authors are required to indicate compliance with these conditions prior to manuscripts being reviewed. Authors should submit articles electronically following the instructions on the journal’s website: If authors experience difficulties with the online process, they may choose to submit manuscripts as email attachments to the editor in chief at
.The editors and editorial staff will ensure manuscript compliance with journal requirements and will then evaluate manuscripts using a double-blind process.
It is essential therefore, that authors do not include any identifying information in their article submissions. Identifying information includes any of the authors' names, University names, identification of community partners, or any general reference that may indicate where the submission came from or who it was written by.
If the manuscript is accepted, then the article will be reverted back to its original state. Each article submission is assigned to a minimum of two reviewers (typically three) with expertise in the article’s area of focus (note that authors are welcome to suggest reviewers with substantive expertise and no direct link to the authors or previous awareness of the manuscripts, but there is no guarantee that these individuals will be selected.) The manuscript will also be read by the editor. The editors aim for timely disposition of submissions and communication with authors (including provision of article reviews). Reviewers are asked to complete reviews in one month and editorial review should take no more than an additional month. Authors will receive reviews of their submissions, and, if invited to revise and resubmit their manuscripts, will receive instructions for that process. Decisions about the manuscript are typically made in five to six weeks after it has been received.
If authors have any questions about the submission and review process or have questions about appropriateness of manuscripts, they are encouraged to contact the editor.
Manuscript Presentation
- Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout (including references, notes, etc.) with 1” margins and 12-point font (Times New Roman preferred).
- Authors should include a separate cover page with full contact information, an abstract of 150-200 words, and 3-5 keywords for the article.
- All pages in the manuscript should be numbered.
- Authors must follow APA style.
- Tables, graphs, charts, figures, illustrations, etc. should be on separate pages with descriptive titles at the end of the manuscript, or as separate files as necessary, with indicators in the text regarding appropriate placement. Submit graphics and images as separate JPEG files, being sure to indicate, in the manuscript, where they should be placed.
- The online version of the journal will be full color and the print version of the journal will be in black and white. So, authors should submit graphics, images, figures, etc. in both formats.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from original publishers to reprint any copyrighted material. Accepted manuscripts and accompanying material become the property of the publisher.