University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Division

Implementation of Nature-Based Therapeutic Recreational Activities for Mental Health Patients

Presenter Information

Carleigh SoudersFollow

Presenter Hometown

Richmond, KY


Recreation Parks Administration


Recreation and Park Administration




Dr. Brian Clark

Mentor Department

Recreation and Park Administration


Analyses looking at therapeutic recreation that is nature-based are few. However, 90% showed at least one positive relation between nature-based recreation and mental health. These included decreases in depression and anxiety and improvements in restoration, well-being, cognition, and affect. The evidence of this research suggests that therapeutic recreation programs allow for the increase of mental health recovery. In a study where 57 people with mental illness received outpatient treatment contributed to an outdoor adventure program, patients with schizoaffective disorders had decreased scores for BSI Hostility and Interpersonal sensitivity. Additionally, they showed increased scores for the trust and cooperation scale. Another profound remark was that there was a decrease in scores for anxiety and depression. From the research it is evident that nature-based therapeutic recreation improves the functioning of mental health patients.

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Implementation of Nature-Based Therapeutic Recreational Activities for Mental Health Patients

Analyses looking at therapeutic recreation that is nature-based are few. However, 90% showed at least one positive relation between nature-based recreation and mental health. These included decreases in depression and anxiety and improvements in restoration, well-being, cognition, and affect. The evidence of this research suggests that therapeutic recreation programs allow for the increase of mental health recovery. In a study where 57 people with mental illness received outpatient treatment contributed to an outdoor adventure program, patients with schizoaffective disorders had decreased scores for BSI Hostility and Interpersonal sensitivity. Additionally, they showed increased scores for the trust and cooperation scale. Another profound remark was that there was a decrease in scores for anxiety and depression. From the research it is evident that nature-based therapeutic recreation improves the functioning of mental health patients.