Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College and Learning, KJECTL | Journals | Eastern Kentucky University


Editor: Samuel Hinton, Eastern Kentucky University
Managing Editor: Sherwood Thompson, Eastern Kentucky University
Technical Editor Kristina Krampe, Eastern Kentucky University

The Kentucky Journal for Excellence in College Teaching and Learning is a peer - reviewed electronic Journal sponsored by the Kentucky Council for Post Secondary Education Faculty Development Group. Current issues can currently be found here,

The Journal is published by the College of Education, Eastern Kentucky University. General categories for articles include theory, research, and practice. In addition, the Journal will publish manuscripts containing book or media reviews, profiles, and commentary. The Journal targets the professional development of college and university faculty within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Its primary goal is to enhance student learning by promoting excellence in teaching in higher education institutions in Kentucky. Its presence will also serve to further a national and international awareness of teaching and learning issues and best practices in higher education.

Current Volume: Volume 14 (2016)
