"Holistic Responses to Campus Violence in the United States: Understand" by Jennifer R. Wies, Caroline Reid et al.


Campus violence is a significant social and public health problem in the United States and poses a unique situation for service provision. Victims often have access to both campus-based and community-based services, as they are simultaneously students and citizens of a larger community. Therefore, understanding the needs of campus violence service providers is essential for enhancing responses to campus violence. This research identifies knowledge and service delivery needs among service providers to support a comprehensive approach to ending campus violence. Situated in the social-ecological model, this article discusses the results of a survey to identify knowledge and service delivery needs among campus-and community-based service providers. The results indicate that both campus and community-based service providers were knowledgeable about campus violence and expressed confidence in providing services. However, clear areas for improving service providers’ knowledge base emerge, such as providing community-based service providers with a better understanding of campus judicial policies and campus-based responses to violence. Therefore, two recommendations for campus-based anti-violence efforts emerge. First, it is important for campus-based programs to provide broad training for the multiple service-provider constituents. Secondly, knowledge and service needs assessments can illuminate areas for additional training specific to constituencies.

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