This collection includes EKU theses and dissertations submitted electronically beginning with the Fall 2010 semester.
All theses written prior to Fall 2010 are available at EKU Libraries in the Silent Study Zone located on the 4th floor of the University Building. Browse the list of print theses written prior to Fall 2010.
To browse these theses and dissertations by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges, Departments, or Administrative Unit page.
Theses/Dissertations from 2025
The Rhythms of Our Bones, Thomas Henry Bowling
Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction Among Staff in Private Child Care Agencies, Carmin Marie Johnson
Law Enforcement in Kentucky Schools - Student Interactions and Current Practices, Lee Ann Morrison
Factors That Overcome Barriers For African American Educators In Educational Leadership, Joshua Allen Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Two of Us: Western Genre Cinema Rhetoric of the Twentieth Century and the Modern Alt-Right Movement, Lauren Samantha Bailey
Influence of Forest Management on Bumblebee-Plant Networks and Community Compositions in Eastern Kentucky Forest Openings, Kassandra Carter
Sex, Consent, and Autonomy in Twilight and Vampire Academy, Sophia Carter
Bat Activity Across Urban Forest Plantings in Lexington, Kentucky, Grayson Marie Collier
Where I Began, Sharon Sue Davis
Baby Goddess, Madelaine Decker
The Impact of Certified Pool Operator Training on Swimming Pool Inspection Outcomes, Vonia Louise Grabeel
Intimate Dishes, Robyn Groth
Experiences Of Trust After Infidelity In A Previous Relationship, James Matthew Harris
The Highlands, Eric Howard
Understanding State And Community Operated Juvenile Programs In Rural And Urban Communities Throughout Kentucky, Jacob Aaron Howe
Disasters And Disorganization: The Flood Of 2022 In Eastern Kentucky And The Struggles That Linger, Justin Hutchens
An Evaluation of Tape for the Collection of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Non-Porous and Porous Surfaces, Laird Vincent Jarrett
Living Pedagogy: Redesigning the First Year Writing Classroom, Ella Johnson
How Do Anxiety, Stress, Impulsiveness, And Sleep Quality Affect Memory, Hodavia Tshiya Kaseya
Compelled To Care? Exploring College Instructors’ Conceptualizations And Expressions Of Care Toward Students, Krista Kimmel
Full of Hunger, Daniel Marco Oliveira Martins
Up Pops The Sun, Crystal Anne McQueen
Edge of the Wagon Wheel, William C. McQueen
No Reflection, Thomas Delligatti Orr
Steps to Success: The Lived Experiences of College Students on the Autism Spectrum, Magdalene Pearl
Accessing Appalachia - One Byte at a Time - The Need for Broadband Access in Rural Eastern Kentucky Region, James Douglas Price
Preserving Shawnee Identity through European Trade: How European Trade in Lower Shawneetown Expressed Indigenous Independence, Kelsey Grace Tuggle
Good for Her: Catharsis and Empowerment in Contemporary Literature, Jessica Lynn Vaught
Exploring The Academic Health Department Model: A Study Of Awareness, Attitudes, And Practices In Kentucky's Local Health Departments, Jonathan Dunham Vorbeck
An Intervention For Youth Impacted By Parental Incarceration: A Mentoring Program Effectiveness From The Caregiver’s Perspective, Sunni Sarah Iris Ann Walters
Combating Hair Related Barriers to Physical Activity Among African American Female Adolescents with Yoga, Crystal Sherry'ce Washington
So, You Think You Can Lead? A Study On The Emotional Intelligence Of Female District Leaders Of K-12 Education, Meocha Williams
Outlaws Don't Cry, Tavian Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
How the Drug Trade is Facilitated Online: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis, Jose Aguilar
The Genome, Genetic Genealogy Database (3g Database), Salma Obaid Alotaibi
Social Media Use in Disaster Management: Perceptions of Emergency Management Directors at Kentucky Institutions of Higher Education, AHMED MOHAMMED ALSHAHARANI
Placental co-culture model reveals Listeria monocytogenes utilization of monocytes for vertical transmission, Breanna Mackenzie Amelunke
The American University: Attitudes about Safety and the Impact of Gun Regulations on Campus, April Bixler
Gender, Sexuality, And LGBTQ+ Identities In General Education Literature Courses: Three Major Conceptual Frameworks, Josiah Coleman
Perceptions of play-based curricula as an effective model of instruction for children with special needs, Angela Bernice Cooper
A Quantification Of The Metabolic Demand Wrought By Explosive Ordinance Disposal Load Carriage, Gage Cousineau
An Examination Of The Usage Of Grants And Municipal Bonds To Fund Capital Projects For Local Governments, Collin Patrick Davis
Qualities Of A School Counselor And Principal Partnership That Foster Student Learning And School Culture: A Qualitative, Eef Ji Fontanez
Exploring The Effectiveness Of Telehealth Adolescents' Interventions On Sleep: A Meta-Analysis, Youmna Hakoum
Comparison of Annual Performance Report Results of Central Appalachian Upward Bound Programs during 2017-2022 Grant Cycle, Zachary Hudson Hess
Assessment Of Natural Roost Availability And Artificial Roost Preference By Indiana Bats In Scott County, Kentucky, Shannon Kerry Howe
No Safe Spaces: Institutionally Washed Out, Jordan Marie King
Exploring The Past With Place: Incorporating Multimodal Archival Composition In Secondary English Education, Sarah King
Using Mesocosms to Model Optimal Levels of Body Size Variation in Larval Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum), Ian Kratzer
Occupational Therapists’ Perceptions Of Practice During The Covid-19 Pandemic And The Impact On Their Mental Health And Well-Being, Victoria Long
Neutral And Charged Bis(Triarylamines) For Use In Grid Scale Battery Technologies, Taylor Matthews
Changes In Fish Communties Throughout The Buck Creek Watershed In Relation To Land Use, John Clark Miller
First-Year Writing Ungraded Study At Eastern Kentucky University, Kaitlynn Elizabeth Moody
"Temporal Salvation": A Study of LDS Leadership Strategies From 1874-1917, Haley Elaine Pettit
Calling All Cast Members: Elevating Material Objects and Ambient Environments to Non-Human Rhetorical Actors in Arden of Faversham, Tara Michelle Pulaski
Decoding the Flavor of Kentucky's Native Pawpaw Fruit, Mackenzie Leanne Roark
Variation In Bat Activity Across Upland Embedded Wetlands In The Cumberland Ranger District Of The Daniel Boone National Forest, Brittany Ryan
Teacher Perception of K-5 Students' Social Emotional Health, Scott Self
Menstrual Inequality in Women's Correctional Facilities, Tara Lee Sexton
Grief Narratology In The Digital Age: Writing The Self In Academic Spaces, Sarah Weddle South
Understanding Federal Funding of Appalachian Nonprofit Organizations Through Characteristic Analysis, Jordan C. Stewart
Individual capture history affects site use and defensive behavior of foraging eastern copperheads at a recreational site, James Benjamin Stratton
Investigation Of Emotional Numbing And Other Potential Risk Factors Of Chronic Ptsd In Veterans, Daniela M. Taylor
Posttraumatic Growth In Inmates: An Exploration Of Cumulative Adverse Life Experiences And Its Relationship To Growth, Rachel Taylor
Tradition And Satisfaction: The Mob And Lynching In The Georgian Cotton Belt, 1890-1899, Marcus Anthony Thornton
Emotions as social objects in the justice system: how feelings develop in justice processes and what they do., Peyton Alexander Warman
From the governor's desk to a bullet in your chest: The fatal implications of anti-trans legislation, Iyan Wickel
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Effects Of External Load And Body Composition On The Sebt In Marching Band Performers, Alexander Alvarez
House of Lambs, Taylor Janell Anderson
Community Development Through Career And Technical Education In The U.S. Education System For A Higher American Standard Of Living, Marty Stuart Asbridge
Small Mammal Species Richness And Relative Abundance Across The Elevational Gradient And Microhabitats Of Pine Mountain, Eastern Kentucky, Sarah Elizabeth Baker
New Directions in State Crime: A Queer Criminology Perspective, Haley Elizabeth Bates
Identification and Security Implications of Biometrics, Kathryn Boggs
Types of Social Media Use and Adolescent Mental Health, Ashley Bragg
Scatterbrain, Abigail C. Byrd-Stapleton
Samuel Beckett's Theory of Repetition, Kennedy Carpenter
Scope of Homelessness in Kentucky, Shannon Elyse Catron
Scale Validation Of American Exceptionalism Index, Evan Hunter Charles
Tholins: A Gas Phase Computational Study of Methanimine and Related Species, Bradley T. Chem
Multimodality And The Sociality Of Literacies: Shaping First-Year Writing Students’ Literacies Through Multimodal Approaches, Jonathon Collins
A Tender Head, Whitney N. Cooper
Magnaporthe Oryzae Telomeric Retrotransposon (moter) Relics Further Highlight Telomere Dynamics In A Rapidly Evolving Fungal Pathogen, Jane Ellen Dostart
Broken Rules and Ugly Rumors, Sam Floyd
How And Why Design Education Instructors Use Place-Based Education In Their Courses, Michael Flynn
Unitl the Well Runs Dry, Wesley Adam Gift
Academic Coaching As A Transition Model For Graduating College Students With Disabilities, Lee Ann Griesheimer
Asking Appalachia: Appalachian English in the Writing Classroom, Rachel Nicole Hampton
Hierarchy and Responsibility in Media: Cults, Culpability, and Culture, Max Hargett
Professional Learning Communities: Perception of Impact on Learning, Esther Denise Hayden
Wattpad as an Online Medium for Contemporary Folklore, Alisha Tess Helton
The Price Of “Normal”: Masking In The Autistic Community, Phyllis Elizabeth Holloway
Factors Contributing To Feelings Of Inclusion And Exclusion Among Swahili-Speaking Refugees In Lexington, Kentucky, Aaron Lankster
Instructional Coaching And Student Achievement, Lee Ann Lewellen
How Administrators Perceive Reductions In State Funding Higher Education, Bruce Manley