This collection includes EKU theses and dissertations submitted electronically beginning with the Fall 2010 semester.
All theses written prior to Fall 2010 are available at EKU Libraries in the Silent Study Zone located on the 4th floor of the University Building. Browse the list of print theses written prior to Fall 2010.
To browse these theses and dissertations by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges, Departments, or Administrative Unit page.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Relationship Between Personality Type And Exercise Motivation, Kayla Michelle Bowman
The Vascular Flora of Boyle County, KY, Heidi M. Braunreiter
The relationship between coaching environment and athlete attributional style, Una Britton
The Effects on Acute Power Production Enhancement and Maintenance due to Pre-workout Supplementation in Recreationally trained College Aged Males., Mark Travis Byrd
Fate Of Captive-Reared Bobwhite Quail Released In Central Kentucky, Adam Carter
Militarization And Modern Gaming: An Analysis Of The Relationship Of The Military And The Video Game Industry, Steven Chapman
Prehospital Emergency Medical Services Treatment Protocols: Aligning With National Best Practices, Zachary Ryan Charest
General Factoring Algorithms for Polynomials over Finite Fields, Wade Combs
Leading Indicators of Safety in Nuclear Energy, Cameron Douglas Cowser
The Relationship Between Administrative Support And Burnout In Turnaround Schools, Kevin Scott Crosby
Vocal responses of Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata) to raptors that differ in predatory threat, Julie Dahl
A Comparison of Management Strategies for the Federally Endangered Running Buffalo Clover (Trifolium stoloniferum) on the Blue Grass Army Depot, KY, Alexi David Dart-Padover
Comparisons: BASC-2 Parent and Teacher Reports for Children on the DSM-5 Autism Spectrum, Kimberly Sara Ellison
John Adams and Unitarian Theology, Wesley Edward Farmer
The Persistence of Place in Appalachia: The Phenomena of Post-Death Migration, 1930-1970, Marjorie Fey Farris
Service Learning in a Collegiate Recreation Program: Understanding the Impacts on Personal Understanding and Academic Success in Therapeutic Recreation vs Non-Therapeutic Recreation Concentrations, Eden Ernestine Fisher
Characterization of Contaminants on Firefighter"s Protective Equipment A Firefighter's Potential Exposure to Heavy Metals During a Structure Fire, Donald F. Gagas
Offspring retrieval behaviors after brood loss in the convict cichlid, Heather Witherspoon Govert
The Formation and Deployment of SWAT in the Ivory Towers, Paul Grant
Identifying Speech-Language Pathologists' Current Perceptions and Practice Patterns, Mary Margaret Griffith
Behavior Based Safety and the Multi-Generational Workforce, Edward Paul Grzybowski
Kentucky Principal Preparation Programs: A Contemporary History, Thomas Henry Hart
Intimate Partners in Crime: Utilizing Life Course to Examine Female Criminality, Emily Ann Hayden
Reproductive Biology of Syntopic Blackside Dace and Southern Redbelly Dace in Two Kentucky Streams, Brajaan Hayes
Connecting Perceptual Organization To Time Perception, Jason Scott Hays
Temporal Comparisons on the Genetic Variation of the Dusky Gopher Frog (Lithobates sevosus), Kristin Michelle Hinkson
Existence of Positive Solutions to a Family of Fractional Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, Christina Ashley Hollon
Methods Of Analysis For Fermentation Science Products Using Various Analytical Techniques, Casey Jay Howdieshell
Moved by the Spirit: Evangelical Presbyterian Woman in the Early Modern Atlantic World, Chasity Dominique Hunt
Esoterika, Michael Jernigan
A Study Of Factors That Influence Partnerships Between Universities And Nonprofit Organizations, Vicki L. Jozefowicz
Relationally-Autonomous Reasons as a Predictor of Collegiate Athletic Performance, Josef Max Katzman
Occupational Therapists' Perceived Experiences Implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) in Early Education, McKenzie Dawn Katzman
On the Trail of Student Participants: Identifying Barriers to Hunting and Developing a Hunter Recruitment Profile for College Students in Kentucky, Justin Dean Kurtz
Educational Professionals' Current Knowledge of Concussions And Return To Learn Implementation Practice, Michelle Kuzma
Effects Of A Six-Week Functional Training Program On Fitness And Body Composition Of Fire Science Majors, Kristen Anne LeBrun
The Effect Of Web-Based Learning On Retention Of Non-traditional Students in a Rural Comprehensive University, Treva Gail Macy
The Experiences of Occupational Therapists Working on Interprofessional Primary Health Care Teams: A Case Study., Emma Blake McClellan
a people blessed, a land teeming, Jay McCoy
The 21st Century University President: Building Blocks for Effective Rural Leadership, David Thomas McFaddin
Effects of supplemental food on the behavior, aggression, and paternity status of male Indigo Buntings (Passerina cyanea), Bradley McLeod
Sedentary Behaviors and Physical Activity in Relation to Class Standing in University Students, Codie Monhollen
Vegetation-Based Metrics Of Biotic Integrity For Assessing The Ecological Condition Of Wetlands Of Kentucky, Tanner Matthew Morris
A Phenomenological Study of Participation in Specialized and Inclusive Recreation Programs, Charles Keith Mullins
Deuterium Enrichment and the Kinetic Isotope Effect during Ruthenium Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Jennifer Naumovitz
Destroying Blackness One Body At A Time: Examining The Mediated Representations Of Lynchings Past And Present, Bethany Callan Nelson
Crafting Dreams of Lucid Shape, Joseph Allen Nichols
Bitter Relish, Heather Noland
Preparation And Characterization Of Self-Assembled Monolayers And Mesoscale Protein Patterning, Panae Noomuna
A Qualitative Exploration of Firefighter Participation in Wellness Programs within a Career Fire Department in Northern Ohio, Conner O'Halloran
The Status of the Genus Taxus In Kentucky, Robert Reed Pace
Flight Vocalizations and Displays of Adult Chimney Swifts (Chaetura Pelagica): Description and Function, Louise Ann Peppe
Effectiveness of Mandatory Driver Training Programs for Fire Service Drivers, Ryan Neil Pietzsch
Validating A Kentucky Wetland Rapid Assessment Method For Forested Riverine Wetlands Using Vegetation, Bird Surveys, And Landscape Analysis, JohnRyan Andrew Polascik
Individuals who self identify as artists but work in a different career: A cross case analysis, Kelly Lee Price
The Neoliberal Construction of Immigration as Crisis, Melissa Jeanette Pujol
A Study of Academic Performance in Police Basic Training, Robert Ramsey
The Lexington, Kentucky Civil Rights Movement, Brandon J. Render
What Happened Last Night? Sleep, Sex, and Recollection, Amanda Gale Renfro
Psychophysiological Markers of Cognitive Reactions to Depictions of Corporal Punishment, Hope Reuschel
Effectiveness Of Visual-Based Safety Training Compared With Non-Visual Based Safety Training In The Meat Processing Industry For Non-English Speaking, Hispanic Employees, Erika K. Rinehart
Sarah Across America, Christopher Rowe
A Thorough and Accessible Proof of the Erdo˝s-Kac Theorem Following Granville and Soundararajan, Thomas John Scheithauer
First Responder Training Transfer: Does Training Delivery Method Matter?, Brian Keith Simpkins
Affirmative action within the fire service: The background on the law and its effect on the fire service and how fire department policies reflect the affirmative action legislation., Steven Michael Stecher
Adaptive Behavior and the Strength of Autism Characteristics, Lisa Claire Tecoulesco
Saudade, Whitnee Elaine Thorp
The effect of antibiotics on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm production, Courtney Paige Turpin
Mega Sport and the Gentrification of Public Space, Ichiro Vance
Longitudinal variation in environmental impact at rock climbing areas in the Red River Gorge limits of acceptable change study area, Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky, Nicholas Walendziak
5-0 Is Not Coming To Save You: Examining The Lack Of Police Intervention In LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence, Lucais Wallen
The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists in Swallowing Treatment of Individuals with HIV/AIDS, Sarah Lynn Warner
Effect of variation in nestling hunger levels on the begging behavior of nestlings and the provisioning behavior of adult American Kestrels, Katheryn Ann Watson
Experiences of LGBTQ Students Attending a University in Rural, Bible Belt America, Eric Joseph Weber
Effects Of De-Polymerization Of Cellulose In Producing Sugar From Cellulosic Biomass At Low-Temperature, Lin Ling Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Influential Factors In International Students' College Choice Of A Rural, Regional University, Mahsa Abdolalizadeh
The Effect of Appalachian Regional Dialect on Performance Appraisal and Leadership Perceptions, Amie Sparks Ball
The Consort, Cynthia Ann Behunin
The Art of Collaboration in Academic and Clinical Partnerships, Kelsey Spencer Bennett
Bankster's Paradise: The Importance Of Discourse In Creating A Haven For Criminogenic Banks In The United States, Maria Jacqueline Bordt
The Effectiveness Of Manipulatives In A High School Algebra II Class, Brooke Elizabeth Bruins
Improving Occupational Performance using Therapeutic Activities on a Geropsychiatric Unit, Brenda L. Cain
Landsat Evaluation Of Trumpeter Swan Historical Nesting Sites In Yellowstone National Park, Laura Elizabeth Cockrell
Like and Share: The Effectiveness of Social Media on University Student Response Behavior during Emergency Events, Ashley Brooke Collett
An Envoy, Courtney Anne Combs
Evaluating the Suitability of Phased Evacuation and Contraflow for the Evacuation of Boston's Coastal Population, Courtney Connor
The Relationship of Collegiate Athletic and Recreational Sports Involvement to Student Success and Persistence, Gregory Joseph Corack
Student Voices on High School Mathematics Teaching And Learning: College Student Voices on Teacher Behaviors and Actions Impacting High School Mathematics Achievement, Elizabeth Anne Crane
Leadership Characteristics and Practices of American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Superintendents of the Year and Finalists, Doris Lynette Crawford
Management Commitment In Occupational Safety And Health As It Relates To Federal Agency Programs, John Sterling Crumbley
The Experience of Inmates Preparing for Reentry Into the Community, Christina A. Eaker
Tensions Of Violence, Social Harm, And Profit: An Examination Of The National Football League, Jonathan Anthony Felden
Farmers with Upper-Limb Amputations and Their Daily Routine, Emily Louise Fintel
Impact Of Career And Technical Education On College And Career Readiness In Kentucky, Linda Smith Floyd
Vocal responses of adult Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) to potential nest predators and the behavioral responses of nestlings, Erin E. Grabarczyk
Retaking Summative Assessments at the High School Level, Katherine Gray
Animal People, Mary Rachael Hamm