This collection includes EKU theses and dissertations submitted electronically beginning with the Fall 2010 semester.
All theses written prior to Fall 2010 are available at EKU Libraries in the Silent Study Zone located on the 4th floor of the University Building. Browse the list of print theses written prior to Fall 2010.
To browse these theses and dissertations by academic department or program, please go to the Colleges, Departments, or Administrative Unit page.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Testing The Marshall Hypothesis: A Survey Among Justice And Safety College Students, Kimberly Alice Barrett
Pacifying the Visual: Police Reform and the Promise of Body Worn Cameras, Ivan Benitez
Ecosystem Functional Consequences of Top Predator Mortality Due to the Invasive Shrub, Lonicera maackii, Josey Lee-Anne Berta
Mouse, Joseph Breen
In The Blood, Joey Elizabeth Burke
Associations Between School Safety And Behavioral Health Issues: A Multivariable Study Of A Large School Sample In Kentucky, Patricia M. Clark
The ability for investigators to visible identify and interpret damage to electrical conductors, Jacob Alan Graham Critchley
The Federal State And Hegemony: Politics In Floyd County, Kentucky And The Latter Years Of The War On Poverty, Riccardo Paolo D'Amato
Athletic Identity, Need Satisfaction, and Burnout in Collegiate Athletes, Rachel Brooke Daniels
Efficient Local Comparison Of Images Using Krawtchouk Descriptors, Julian DeVille
23: The Appalachian Foothills People, Place, And, The Opioid Epidemic, Sarah E. Diamond Burroway
'Savages','Animals' and 'Criminals':Capitalism, Racial Threat and the U.S Long war on Immigration, Rossana Alejandra Diaz
Employing Trauma-Informed Andragogy: A Phenomenological Study Of Graduate Student Lived Experiences After Taking A New Haven’s Cross-Cutting Trauma Course, Lauren Elizabeth Downey
The Effects Of A 40-Minute Bout Of Aerobic Exercise On State Anxiety In College Age Individuals, Rachael Dozier
Out With the Old, In With Revitalized Grammar Through Style-based Composition Pedagogy, Courtney Forester
Defending the Bodice Ripper, Dora Abigail Gardner
Prison Siting in Appalachia: Carceral Expansion, Neoliberalism, and Environmental Harm, Macey Logan Hall
From Perceiving To Achieving: Experiences Of An Adolescent With Autism Spectrum Disorder In A Summer Day Program, Spencer Thomas Hammond
Population Demographics And Active Foraging Behavior Of Copperheads (Agkistrodon Contortrix) At A Recreational Site In Eastern Kentucky, Jocelyn Hendricks
The Role of Continuous Flowering Phenology for in Neotropical Plant-Pollinator Interactions for Use in Conservation, Chelsea Renee Hinton
Knockout of the trans-acting riboswitches in Listeria monocytogenes to disrupt downstream virulence factors, Robert Jackson
Occupational Therapists' Perceptions and Clinical Reasoning of Splints Used in Adults with Neurological Conditions, Yichen Jiang
The Impact of the Cold War and the Second Red Scare on the 1952 American Presidential Election, Dana C. Johns
Understanding the Impact of Hobby Participation on Quality of Life During Cancer Treatment, Bethany Lynn Keuter
Preparing For The Teaching Of English Language Learners: A Comparative Study Of Cultural Intelligence From One Rural Kentucky University, Elisha Lawrence
Perceived Predation Risk And The Responses Of Adult And Nestling Tree Swallows (tachycineta Bicolor), Natalia May Maass
"Where Is A Story Before It Becomes Words?": Understanding Queer Composition's Place in Writing Studies Through Lynda Barry's What It Is, James Franklin McClure
The Impact Of Blended Learning On Measures Of Academic Progress (MAP) Based On Student Growth, Molly Elizabeth McComas
Impact of the Big 5 and Sensation Seeking Personality Traits on Everyday Deception, Bailey McGuffin
High Altitude Fish, Micah McGurk
Habitat Use And Nightly Activity Patterns Of Bats On A Military Landscape In Western Kentucky, Carson E. Mcnamara
Eating Disorders, Suicidality, and Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, Emily Mink
Examining Partisan Advantage In Congressional Maps Using Simulations Based On Election Data, Zachary James Morgan
The Impact of Positive Human Interest Stories on Raising Hope Through Social Media in Kentucky's Promise Zone Counties, Melissa Newman
Referendum on the Revolution: The Pennsylvania Constitutional Debate, 1776-1784, Tristan James New
Serial killers in popular media: A content analysis of sensationalism and support for capital punishment, April Nicole Pace
Mountain Roosters, Matthew Parsons
Dirt Work, Rachel Anne Parsons
The Chivalrous and Feminist King: How the Arthurian Legends Chronicled the Formation of Two Gender Identities, Gary Andrew Pickle
The Small-Town NFL Player, BoDene Blare Pinz
Folk Dance: An Occupation For Building Community, Wendy Price
Influence Of Applied Potential And Metal Ion Concentraion On Metal Electrodeposition At Micron Gap Gold Electrodes, Krista Michel Riggins
Autobiography, Kristen Marie Ruggles
Self and Communication in Long-Term Romantic Relationships, Farshad Michael Sadr
Hidden Weather and Other Stories, Lydia K. Sanders
Volition and the Readiness Potential, Paul David Sanford
Personal Jesus and Other True Stories, Leslie Scheuler
Holler If You Need Me, Lori Singleton
Ecosystem Functional Consequences Of Body Size Variation In An Apex Predator (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), David Samuel Smith
Desolation Road, Eric James Smith
Post Surgical Outcomes Following Limited-Open Carpal Tunnel Release or Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release, Keeley Shaye Smith
The use of environmental DNA for the detection of Palaemonias ganteri (Hay, 1901), a federally endangered cave species, Andrew Joseph Stump
The Danger Of ‘no’: Rejection Violence, Toxic Masculinity And Violence Against Women, Lily Katherine Thacker
The Impact of Prior Settings in Early Childhood on Kindergarten Readiness, April Trent
Women's Postpartum Experiences, Courtney Watkins
Teacher Perspectives on Environmental Education Programs Provided By Eastern Kentucky University Division of Natural Areas, Mahala Amber Watts
The King's Apothecary, Sherri Ann Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Results on the Gold Grabbing Game, Stephen Acampa
Determination of Atrazine Concentration in Freshwaters Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Boniface Osei Amankona
Behavioral Style Indicators of Communication and Professionalism in a Family Medicine Residency, Jillian Marie Atherton
Resisting gendered sport roles: A criminological sports analysis of women's rugby in the U.S., Kelsey Basham
Inspired Positive Organizational Development (ipod): The Beneficial Effects Of Mindfulness For Nonprofit Organizational Leadership, Kristen Ophelia Bennett
Predicting First-Year Academic Success of African American and White Students at Predominately White Institutions, Jerel Benton
The Comparative Study On The Effects Of Virtual Reality In The Application Of Case-Based Learning Approach While Studying The Human Heart, Banu Rukiye Bilen
Everything Broken is Waiting to Be Fixed, Jake Russell Bingham
Can You Hear Me Now: Being Deaf and Healthcare Experiences., Jordan Blackaby
Population Size And Habitat Association Of Etheostoma Nebra, The Buck Darter, Using Abundance Modeling In The Buck Creek System, Cumberland River Drainage, Kentucky, Harold Davidson Black
The Face You Draw into Your Skin Is Not Your Own, Patricia Coscia
The Acute Effects Of Alpha-Gpc On Hand Grip Strength, Jump Height, Power Output, Mood, And Reaction-Time In Recreationally Trained, College-Aged Individuals, Josey Lucas Cruse
A Qualitative Examination of Master's Level Counseling Students' Experiences of the Supervisory Working Alliance and the Use of Online Supervision, Ashley Nicole De La Torre-Brooks
Positive Symmetric Solutions Of A Boundary Value Problem With Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, Tek Nath Dhakal
Gene Knockout Of PRFA And The Arginine Deiminase Pathway In Listeria Monocytogenes, Kearstin Edmonds
Validity and Constitutionality of Inter Parte Reviews Before the U.S. Supreme Court, Helen Kathryn Emmons Kelly
The Effects Of Oxidative Stress On P75ntr Signaling In Dopaminergic Neurons, Cassandra Marie Escobedo
Amphibian and plant communities of natural and constructed upland-embedded wetlands in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Rachel Fedders
The Horse: A Driving Force for the Lifestyle of Grooms, Nicole Foright
Play Like You Mean It: Motivational Predictors of Female Student Athletes' Practice and Game Performance, Zipporah Rebekah Foster
All Saints and Sinners, Wendy Elizabeth Gowins
Talking Sports: Rhetorical Benefits Of Blogging Sports Journalism, Lucas Green
Leaving journalism: Self-identity during career transition for female former Kentucky reporters, Sarah May Heaney
Development Of An Avian Index Of Biological Integrity For Kentucky Wetlands, Kaitlyn Kelly
Tell Me One True Thing, Roxanne Kent-Drury
Culture, Religion, and Homonegativity, Erica Cecelia Dawn Leach
Soup Beans, Savannah Korey Marlow
Investigations Of The Impostor Phenomenon Among Female First-Generation College Students And A Research University, Martina A. Martin
Assessing the Implicitness of Visual Statistical Learning at the Individual Level, Derek McClellan
The Vascular Flora Of The Red River Gorge In Powell, Menifee, And Wolfe Counties Kentucky, Thomas Steele McFadden
The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Persistence of Female Faculty in Higher Education, Ellen Hutcheson McMahan
Bridezilla Descends Upon Tokyo and Other Strange Stories, Katherine McMullen
Variation in mass and wing loading of nestling American Kestrels: possible effects of nestling behavior and adult provisioning behavior, Doug Mitchell
The Effects of College Diversity Education on Ethnocultural Empathy, Addison Dean Monroe