
Document Type (Journals)

Original Research


This research utilized a crossover study design to analyze the differences in learner satisfaction, confidence, and accuracy when comparing in-person, video, and written instructional methods. The study was conducted on a group of 32 occupational therapy students from a local university by teaching them two different Kinesio Taping® protocols. Satisfaction and confidence were measured by survey. The participants completed tapings, then were rated by an instructor to obtain accuracy data. The study found that learning satisfaction was rated higher following video instruction. Regarding confidence, there was a statistically significant difference in the level of confidence for students viewing video instruction for one of two taping techniques presented. No significant difference was found between groups in accuracy in taping after different instructional methods. The use of multiple instructional methods was reported as the most beneficial and preferred method in the study. This study highlights the potential benefits of utilizing multiple instructional methods to aid in student learning.


Theresa Rice, OTR, OTD, CKTP: Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Degree: OTD Texas Woman’s University, 2017. Specialty Areas and Research Interests: Pediatrics; OT Education.

Husny Amerih, OTR, PhD, ATP, CKTI: Full time Occupational Therapy faculty member at Texas Woman’s University. Degrees: B.S., M.S., University of Central Arkansas; PhD, Texas Woman's University. Specialty Areas and Research Interests: Physical Disability; Assistive Technology; OT Education and Curricula; Occupational Adaptation of Foreign Therapists.

Diane P. Brown, OTR, PhD: Degrees: B.M.E, Baylor University; MOT, Texas Woman's University; Ph.D., University of North Texas. Specialty Areas and Research Interests: Dementia; Higher Education; Professional Development of OT's; Aging; Research in OT

Declaration of Interest

The authors report no declarations of interest.

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