Journal of Occupational Therapy Education: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Journal of Occupational Therapy Education

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to Journal of Occupational Therapy Education.

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted to JOTE should address topics related to occupational therapy education and occupational science education. JOTE considers manuscripts for publication that have been submitted only to JOTE, have not been published previously, are not currently in consideration for publication, and are not in press elsewhere. Original research reports will be given priority for dissemination.

Submissions in the following formats will be considered for publication:

  1. Original Research—Scholarly research involving all aspects of occupational science, occupational therapy, and occupational therapy assistant education at all levels (undergraduate, graduate entry-level occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant education, post-graduate, and continuing education). Research can be quantitative, qualitative or a mixed method approach. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are included. Suggested headings include introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion including limitations, and implications for occupational therapy education.
  2. Theory and Educational Practice—Development or exposition of an educational theory or innovative model pertaining to occupational science or occupational therapy education. Theory may address any of the following areas: signature pedagogy/andragogy, instruction, learning, curriculum, policy, philosophy, or best practice. Suggested headings include introduction, theoretical concepts, relationships/patterns, discussion, and implications for occupational therapy education.
  3. Educational Innovations—Articles that explain novel practices, creative approaches, or instructional design concepts in occupational science or occupational therapy education. Descriptions should be scholarly and related to current research. Suggested headings include introduction, description, assessment, discussion, and implications for occupational therapy education.
  4. Educational and Instructional Technology—Description of recent educational and/or instructional technology such as media, social networks, applications, software, learning management systems, and learning objects pertinent to occupational science and occupational therapy education. Sections to include are description of the technology, review of related literature, examples of how the technology may be incorporated in the teaching and learning process, benefits and challenges of use, training involved, and cost.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the journal’s online submission system at:

Manuscript Preparation

Cover Letter: A cover letter is required to be uploaded separately from the body of the manuscript during submission. Include the title of the article at the top of the cover letter and clearly state the purpose of the paper and its expected contribution in your letter.

Abstract: An abstract of 250 words or less must be provided for original research, theory and educational practice, and educational innovations. Abstract should be a narrative description of the key content and should be included with the manuscript.

Biography: Please provide a biography for each author with a maximum of 50 words per author. Biographies should not be included in the body of the manuscript submitted for review and will initially be included in the Biography submission area.

Keywords: Provide 3-5 words or phrases for index purposes.

Spacing: The narrative, references, and other aspects of the manuscript should all be single spaced with double spacing between paragraphs.

Font: Type should be in Arial in 12 point font.

Margins: One inch margins should be included on all four sides.

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation: Authors are responsible for ensuring correct spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout the manuscript. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition for guidelines for grammar and punctuation.

Page Length: Suggested page length maximum is 20 pages excluding abstract and references for original research

Manuscript: The manuscript submission will include: abstract, body of the manuscript, references, and appendices as a single Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format file. Authors should add line numbers and page numbers to the manuscript to assist with the peer review process. The full title of the manuscript and the abstract should be included at the top of the first page. No identifying information should be provided in the manuscript. For original research, an explicit statement regarding the approval of the study by a named human subjects or ethics committee and that all participants provided informed consent to take part in the study must be included.

Manuscript Style and References

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition should be used for headings, quotations, references, and the general foundation for writing style. In-text citations for two authors should always include both names (Ruth & Wilmott, 2007). Citations with more than two authors should be formatted like the following: (Smith et al., 2010). The reference list should be organized alphabetically by the primary author’s last name and should include a hanging indent.

Below are examples of common reference listings:

Journal Article (hard copy or source not available online)

Haines, T. P., Hill, K. D., Bennell, K. L., & Osborne, R. H. (2006). Patient education to prevent falls in subacute care. Clinical Rehabilitation, 20(11), 970-979.

Journal Article (online version including digital object identifier [doi]), formatted as a link:

Brown, T., Etherington, J., & Williams, B. (2017). Emotional intelligence and personality traits as predictors of undergraduate occupational therapy students’ teamwork skills: A cross-sectional study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80(7), 432-439.

Authored Book

Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. New York: Penguin Books.

Chapter from Edited book

Huntley, N. (2014). Cardiac and pulmonary diseases. In M. V. Radomsksi and C. A. Trombly (Eds.), Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction, (7th ed., pp. 1300-1326). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be placed within the document in the author’s desired location for publication. All tables and figures should have a clear title that explains its purpose. Tables and figures should be referred to in the text and should be numbered by the order in which they appear in the manuscript.

Copyediting of Accepted Manuscripts

All manuscripts accepted for publication in JOTE will be copyedited in preparation for publication to ensure correct spelling, grammar, clarity, and appropriate formatting for references, tables, figures, and other aspects of the manuscript.

Acknowledgements and Declaration of Interest


Acknowledgements should include recognition of those who contributed to the manuscript but did not meet criteria for authorship or who declined to be listed as an author for publication. Authors are responsible for contacting persons they wish to include in the acknowledgements section and obtaining their consent to be included. Acknowledgements should not be positioned in the body of the manuscript submitted for review and will instead be initially included in the acknowledgements submission area.

Declaration of Interest

All declarations of interest must be reported to disclose financial support or potential relationships including but not limited to: grant funding, employment, stock ownership, paid expert testimony, and other relationships that could indicate a conflict of interest. Those who do not have any declarations must include the following statement: The author(s) report no declarations of interest. Declarations of interest should not be included in the body of the manuscript submitted for review and will initially be included in the declaration of interest submission area.