Policies | Journal of Occupational Therapy Education | Journals | Eastern Kentucky University



Philosophy of Journal of Occupational Therapy Education

For more information, please see Journal of Occupational Therapy Education Aims and Scope page.

Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Journal of Occupational Therapy Education provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).

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Copyright & Permissions

All articles published in JOTE are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Authors retain all copyrights without restrictions, and agree to the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license for their work as a condition of publication.

End users' rights under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license are outlined here. For all other purposes, permission must be obtained from the author.

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Open Access

JOTE is committed to providing truly open access information for the public to benefit from knowledge shared by authors who publish in JOTE. JOTE is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

JOTE is able to provide open access free of charge to authors through Encompass Digital Archive, an electronic digital archive and repository supported by Eastern Kentucky University Libraries (EKU). The EKU Libraries pay annual fees to support Encompass as a free and accessible platform to disseminate knowledge and information to the public. We firmly believe in the value of open access to benefit occupational therapy researchers, instructors, students, and their future clients. JOTE does not support predatory publishing in any format.

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Review Process

Each manuscript submitted to JOTE will be reviewed by at least one member of the Editorial Board to determine if it aligns with the mission, aims and scope of the journal. Those manuscripts approved for further consideration will undergo an anonymous review by two to three reviewers who are experts in occupational therapy education and/or occupational science education. Authors can expect reviews to be completed within approximately 10-15 weeks. Authors will receive their reviews along with a letter from the editor stating the decision from review: accepted, accepted with minor changes, major changes required, or rejected. Rejected articles are not eligible for resubmission to JOTE. When the decision is to revise, authors should make the recommended changes and resubmit the manuscript within 30 days to continue toward publication. An extension may be requested. The Editor and Editorial Board make the final decision regarding publication of papers and reserve the right to refuse manuscripts for publication.

Download the JOTE Peer Review Form

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Publication Ethics

JOTE takes instances of plagiarism, copyright infringement, and other ethical breaches related to publication very seriously. The journal may use Similarity Check, a multi-publisher initiative, to selectively screen article submissions for originality. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software, which checks submissions against millions of published research papers (the Similarity Check database), documents on the web, and other relevant sources. These submitted papers are not retained in the Similarity Check system after they have been checked. Read more at Crossref's Similarity Check & Researchers page. When ethical breaches related to publication occur, JOTE reserves the right to take action including but not limited to the following: publishing a correction, retracting an article, or presenting the matter to relevant academic bodies or institutions.

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Charges & Fees

JOTE levies no submission charges, or charges or fees for publication of accepted articles.

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General Terms and Conditions of Use

Users of the Encompass website and/or software agree not to misuse the Encompass service or software in any way.

The failure of Encompass to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Encompass and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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