Library Faculty and Staff Papers and Presentations | EKU Libraries | Eastern Kentucky University


Submissions from 2022


Leading on Open Educational Practices at a Regional Comprehensive University Library, Kelly Smith

Submissions from 2021


WMS Connect: IPEDS and ACRL Reporting, Kelly Smith


Affordable Learning Kentucky: Strategies for Affordability and Success, Kelly Smith, Cristen Ross, Lori Werth, and Ilona Burdette

Submissions from 2020


Alien Babies and Angelina Jolie: Evaluating Sources Using Tabloids with a Taste of News Literacy, Ashley Cole and Heather K. Beirne


Librarians Leading Open Textbook Efforts, Laura Edwards, Linda Sizemore, and Kelly Smith

Submissions from 2019


Getting Faculty Buy-In for Open Educational Resources, Kelly Smith

Submissions from 2018


A Storied Tale: Melding Digital Storytelling, Service-Learning, and Digital and Information Literacy Skills for Pre-Service Teachers, Heather K. Beirne


Authority Control in Digital Commons: Why Bother?, Laura Edwards


Inventory in Digby, Laura Edwards


The Evolution of Eastern Kentucky University Libraries Orientations: Giving Students a LIbStart to Student Success Through Library Engagement, Trenia Napier, Ashley J. Cole, and Leah Banks


The Librarians’ Guide to the Information Literacy Galaxy: Leading Campus Conversations, Sarah Richardson, Heather K. Beirne, Ashley J. Cole, and Trenia Napier

Submissions from 2017


Navigating WMS Analytics for the Right Data, Laura Edwards, Todd King, and Kelly Smith


Electronic Swiss Army Knife: Deploying an Online Reference Service as an Interdepartmental Multi-Use Tool, Laura Edwards, Kelly Smith, and Jens Arneson


Developing Best Practices for Creating an Authentic Learning Experience in an Online Learning Environment: Lessons Learned, Cindy Judd and Brad Marcum


Barrier to Learning: Why We Can No Longer Afford High Textbook Prices, Victoria Koger and Linda Sizemore


Determining Usage When Vendors Do Not Provide Data, Kelly Smith and Jens Arneson


Why Design Thinking Should Matter to Higher Education, Part II, Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Russell Carpenter


Mind Mapping: A Technique for Metacognition, Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Rusty Carpenter


Why Design Thinking Should Matter to Higher Education, Part 1, Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Rusty Carpenter

Submissions from 2016


On-Demand Tech Training for Students, Faculty, and Staff, Heather K. Beirne, Ashley J. Cole, and Brad Marcum


Faculty-Librarian Collaboration: Applying Metacognitive Pedagogy to the Research Process, Heather K. Beirne and Nicole Montgomery

Reframing Library Instruction: Applying Metacognitive Pedagogy to One Shots and Beyond, Heather K. Beirne and Nicole Montgomery


A Space to Play, A Space to Compose: A Model for Creative Collaborations and Composition Practices., Russell Carpenter and Shawn Apostel

Jumpstarting First-Year Student Success through Assessment and Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations., Ashley Cole, Leah Banks, and Trenia Napier

Instruction on the Fly: Crafting Creative Solutions., Ashley Cole and Trenia Napier

Clifford, the Big Red HVAC: Assessment and Advocacy, Jackie Couture and Ashley S. Thacker


Manager in the Making: Learning to Manage People, Projects, and Time, Laura Edwards and Cristina Tofan


Managing a Large Scale Project: Using StrengthsFinder in the Website Redesign, Laura Edwards and Cristina Tofan


Tech Training and Library Advocacy: Linking the Academic Library with the School Library and Turning Pre-service Teachers Into Lifelong Library Users, Cindy Judd and Heather Beirne


Partner in the Process: Redefining Reference to Create an Integrated Educational Experience, Cindy Judd, Ashley Cole, and Brad Marcum

The FROG Model: Enhancing Teaching and Learning by Leaping from Archives to Classrooms, Neil Robert Kasiak and Deborah Whalen


Embracing Change: Adapting and Evolving Your Distance Learning Library Services to Meet the New ACRL Distance Learning Library Services Standards, Brad Marcum


Embracing Change: Adapting and Evolving Your Distance Learning Library Services to Meet the New ACRL Distance Learning Library Services Standards, Brad Marcum


LibAnswers: A Solution for eResource Ticketing and Workflow Management, Kelly Smith


Managing a DDA Collection in OCLC Worldshare, Kelly Smith


Problem Solved! Managing Electronic Resource Workflows Using Ticketing System Software, Kelly Smith


Why the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Is Essential to Creative Thinking, Charlie Sweet, Hal Blythe, and Russell Carpenter

Submissions from 2015


App it Up: Using Google Apps in Library Instruction, Heather K. Beirne, Ashley J. Cole, and Sarah Richardson


Embracing Change: Adapting and Evolving Your Distance Learning Library Services to Embrace the New ACRL Distance Learning Library Services Standards, Heather K. Beirne, Sarah Richardson, Brad Marcum, and Karen Gilbert

Portals for Professionals: Regional Stewardship for Working College Graduates and Citizens of Kentucky, Heather K. Beirne, Sarah Richardson, Brad Marcum, and Karen Gilbert

Portals for Professionals: Serving Our Graduates in Their Professional Lives, Heather K. Beirne, Sarah Richardson, Brad Marcum, and Karen Gilbert

Portals for Professionals: Serving Our Graduates in Their Professional Lives, Heather K. Beirne, Sarah Richardson, Brad Marcum, and Karen Gilbert

What, No Computers?: Engaging Students in a Low-Tech Space, Ashley Cole and Amy Bessin

Better Assessment for Better Advocacy., Ashley Cole, Clay Howard, and Kevin Jones


Generation Z: Facts and Fictions, Ashley Cole, Trenia Napier, and Brad Marcum

Collaborative Communities: Pursuing Public-Academic Engagement, Jackie Couture and Ruthie Maslin


50 shades of eBooks with a hint of PDA, Laura Edwards and Victoria Koger

The FROG Model: Enhancing Teaching and Learning by Leaping from Archives to Classrooms, Neil Kasiak and Deborah Whalen

The FROG Model: The Leap from Archives to Classrooms, Neil Kasiak and Deborah Whalen

Faculty/Librarian Collaboration and Course Integration, Nicole Montgomery and Sarah Morris


Library Resource Usage and Student Success at Eastern Kentucky University, Kelly Smith, Jens Arneson, Matthew Irvin, and Kwan Yi


Predatory Publishing: How Faculty Can Avoid Becoming Prey, Kelly Smith and Linda Sizemore

Submissions from 2014

Get Your Story Out: Digital Storytelling and Community Service, Heather K. Beirne and Delinda Dent


Kentucky Bluegrass Award Nominees, Grades 3-5, Heather K. Beirne and Christie Turner

Kentucky Bluegrass Awards Nominees, Grades 3-5, Heather K. Beirne and Christie Turner


“A Funny Thing Happened in Library Instruction”: Facilitating Communication Through Humor., Ashley Cole and Linda Sizemore

What Do Users Want: Enhancing Metadata Using Google Analytics, Jackie Couture


Improvements on a Shoestring: Changing Reference Systems and Processes, Jackie Couture and Deborah Whalen

Omeka: Collaborating to Create Digital Libraries, Jackie Couture and Deborah Whalen

Submissions from 2013


Publishing Open Access e-Journals: Leveraging an Outreach Opportunity, Laura Edwards, Linda Sizemore, and Kelly Smith


A Joke is a Very Serious Thing: Using Humor in Library Instruction, Linda Sizemore and Ashley Cole


GIST: Joining ILL, Acquisitions, and Collection Development at EKU, Kelly Smith

Submissions from 2012


User-Focused Acquisitions Strategies: Developing Collections for the 21st Century, Kelly Smith


CCC’s Get It Now Service as a Collection Development Strategy, Kelly Smith and Pat New

Submissions from 2011


Worst Case Scenario: Your Library Without Subscription Databases, Julie S. George and Clay Howard

Submissions from 2010


Hot to PROT: Enhanced Instruction Skills Through Peer-Review, Karen Gilbert, Kevin L. Jones, and Cindy Judd


Developing Information Literate Students, Cindy Judd, Betina Gardner, and Julie George


EKU Online Reference Gets H3lp, Cindy Judd and Julie George


Using Process Mapping to Assess and Improve eResource Workflow, Kelly Smith


Creative Solutions for Managing eResources Workflow, Kelly Smith and Laura Edwards


Clean Up Your Act! A Voyager Acquisitions/Serials Overhaul for Greater Efficiency, Kelly Smith and Amy Tabb


The Application of Drupal to Website Development in Academic Libraries, Cristina Tofan


Rethinking Linking: Breathing New Life into OpenURL, Cindi Trainor


The Permanent Now: Photography and the Human Experience, Cindi Trainor

Submissions from 2009


Getting Boys to Read: A Look at the Research and the Books They Love, Carrie Lynn Cooper and Kathy Cox Watson


Extending Liaison Collaboration: Partnering with Faculty in Support of a Student Learning Community., Karen Gilbert


Creating Complex Publication Patterns in Voyager, Kelly Smith and Laura Edwards


NextGen Acquisitions: A Paradigm Shift for a New Era, Kelly Smith and Kathryn Harnish


A Fight to the Death: Two Catalog Search Interfaces Battle it Out, Cristina Tofan and Todd King


The Darien Statements on the Library and Librarians, Cindi Trainor, John Blyberg, and Kathryn Greenhill

Submissions from 2008


Google Docs: A Review, Cindy Judd, Ramirose Attebury, Julie George, Brad Marcum, and Nicole Montgomery


The Inexorable March to Online-Only Journal Subscriptions, Kelly Smith and Patricia Thompson


Creating Online Subject Guides Using LibGuides, Kelly Smith and Cristina Tofan


Open Source, Crowd Source: harnessing the power of the people behind our libraries, Cindi Trainor

Submissions from 2007


Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Therapy, Karen Gilbert


Representing eJournals in the Library Catalog, Kelly Smith

Submissions from 2006


The Need to Weed: Weeding the Nursing Print Collection – Justification, Marketing, Implementation, Karen Gilbert